SETU Libraries

Guide to using SETU Libraries

Home Using The Library Guide to using SETU Libraries

Access to the Library

SETU Libraries are open to registered SETU students and staff, and to external borrowers. Access to the library is with a student card which also serves as a library card.

Library Facilities

There are toilets available in each library and lift access is available in the following libraries:

SETU Carlow library

SETU Luke Wadding library

SETU College Street library

There is a book bin available outside of the library in SETU Carlow and Wexford. 

Library Etiquette

SETU Libraries provide a quiet study environment, and we ask all users to respect the needs of others. There are a number of quiet and group study areas located throughout our libraries.  For further information please see Library Study Spaces.

Mobile phone usage is permitted in the library stairwells. Library users are asked not to make or receive calls in the study areas.

Please note that food may not be consumed in any of the five SETU campus libraries.

Library PCs

Library PCs are for study and research purposes only. Usage of Library PCs is subject to the wider SETU Computer Usage policies. Please consult Computer Services for more details.

Library Misconduct

(a) Users who infringe any library regulation will be liable to a range of penalties including fines, withdrawal of services and other disciplinary proceedings.

(b) Any library user who repeatedly breaks the rule on silence will be asked to leave. A report will be made to the College Disciplinary Committee in cases where disturbances are persistent.

(c) A security system is in operation at the exit. Library users must ensure that they follow proper borrowing procedures. Unauthorised removal of library property is not permitted. Any user who removes an item illegally from SETU Libraries will be fined. The College Disciplinary Committee deals with incidents of theft or misappropriation.

(d) In instances of damage to library property and/or loss of library property, the user responsible will be required to make good any such loss or damage. Other disciplinary action may follow.

Safety in SETU Libraries

  • Personal property should never be left unattended. All property is left at owner’s risk.
  • Users should make themselves aware of the fire exits in SETU Libraries. Fire exits are indicated on the SETU Libraries LORG eMaps. Exit via fire exits is only permitted in emergency situations.
  • Fire drills are held regularly, and library users must comply with directions from the fire wardens.
  • Hazards should be reported to the library staff.
  • If an accident occurs while using SETU Libraries, a member of staff should be contacted immediately.

Off-Campus Access

You can access SETU Libraries research resources 24/7 from anywhere. Off-campus access to library databases is available from the library database page using your SETU Network Login.