SETU Libraries

Databases in Waterford

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Business, management, tourism and multisubject. Contains important full‐text journals and much sought‐after titles from the business press as well as key trade publications, dissertations, conference proceedings, and market reports
IREL Education, social sciences, health sciences and multisubject.
Artstor’s Public Collections offer approximately 1.3 million freely accessible images, videos, documents, and audio files from library special collections, faculty research, and institutional history materials, as well as hundreds of thousands of open access images from partner museums.
open access
A curated research-sharing platform open to anyone. As a pioneer in digital open access, now hosts more than two million scholarly articles in eight subject areas, curated by our strong community of volunteer moderators. Subject areas include: Physics, Mathematics, Computer science (CoRR), Quantitative biology, Quantitative finance, Statistics, Electrical engineering and systems science, and Economics.
open access preprints
BioMed Central is an independent publishing house committed to providing immediate open access to peer-reviewed biomedical research.
Award-winning, international film and videos across a wide range of interdisciplinary subjects in the Arts and Humanities. Collections. Dance. Documentaries, interviews and filmed performances and a rich array of world dance traditions including Japanese kabuki and indigenous Australian dance.
BMJ Best Practice is freely available to access in the Republic of Ireland. It provides disease specific information, treatment processes, and patient leaflets on diseases & chronic conditions and very regularly updated evidence summaries. In addition there are links through to BNF/BNFC drugs listing & the basic drugs listing.
free access
Access to Freely Available British and Irish Public Legal Information
Not available through Multisearch
open access law
BASE is operated by Bielefeld University Library. BASE provides more than 120 million documents from more than 6,000 sources. About 60% of these resources are open access.
Use as an alternative to Multisearch
open access theses dissertations
IREL Multisubject; Business, Management
IREL NEW Cambridge Core Journals provides full-text access to 420 peer-reviewed academic journals covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine. A list of journal titles can be found here.
ChemSpider is a free service providing a structure centric community for chemists. Providing access to millions of chemical structures and integration to a multitude of other online services, ChemSpider is the richest single source of structure-based chemistry information.
Open access images
Nursing and health sciences.
Health sciences - systematic reviews. Choose institutional login.
Construction, engineering and architecture. NOTE: If you get an error message logging in to Accuris,
  • first use this link
  • and then login using your email address and password that you registered with.
Access to 614408 open access research theses from 583 Universities in 28 European countries.
open access is intended to provide easy access to datasets that are free to use, reuse, and redistribute. The portal is operated by the Government Reform Unit of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. The Open Data listed in is published by Government Departments and Public Bodies and also harvested from the following sources; The Irish Spatial Data Exchange, Dublinked, Central Statistics Office's, Ordnance Survey Ireland, Health Service Executive, Cork City Council, Galway City Council, Galway County Council, Roscommon County Council, Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government.
Open access
The Dictionary of Irish Biography is curated by the Royal Irish Academy and provides biographies of over 11,000 prominent men and women born in Ireland, north and south, and the noteworthy Irish careers of those born outside Ireland.
Open access
NTUTORR Access the world's finest theatre productions. Stream world class theatre experiences to any device, anywhere in the world.
The Digital Repository of Ireland is a searchable national digital repository for Ireland’s humanities, social sciences, and cultural heritage data.
Open access
The Directory of Open Access Books gives full-text links to open access books on a wide range of topics including: Agriculture and Food Sciences, Arts and Architecture, Biology and Life Sciences, Business and Economics, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences, General Works, Health Sciences, History and Archaeology, Languages and Literatures, Law and Political Science, Mathematics and Statistics, Philosophy and Religion, Physics and Astronomy, Science General, Social Sciences, Technology and Engineering
Open access
Multisubject. Open access scholarly journals.
open access
2655 eBook titles hosted on EBSCOhost. Available on and off-campus
e-book, ebook
Over 183,000 eBooks in all subject areas. Available on and off-campus
e-book, ebook 
EBSCO Open Dissertations includes the content from American Doctoral Dissertations and records for more than 1.4 million electronic theses and dissertations from more than 320 universities around the world. Multidisciplinary subject coverage.
Open access theses dissertations
Business, management, tourism and hospitality.
Available to all students : Free reference management tool. Available on and off-campus. See: EndNote Library Guide. Endnote 20 (Desktop Application Available) Reference Management software available to all students and staff. Downloadable to your laptop or PC.
A specialized database for business students and researchers focusing on entrepreneurship and small business topics. It offers access to full-text journals, books, company profiles, and videos, including faculty seminar videos from Harvard Business School professors. This resource is ideal for entrepreneurship-related research and case studies.
journals, case studies, company profiles, seminar videos, seminars
Entrepreneurship, business and management.
Full-text education literature and resources. ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) contains records and links to hundreds of thousands of full-text documents, including journal articles, books, conference papers, curriculum guides, dissertations and policy papers.
education theses dissertations
Espacenet offers free access to more than 110 million patent documents worldwide, containing information about inventions and technical developments from 1836 to today. It has a user-friendly interface available in almost all European languages. It enables users with little or no experience in patent searching to obtain an overview of the state of the art, to follow new developments or to find out who invented what.
Open access patents
Search over 400,000 doctoral theses.
open access theses dissertations
SETU is part of The European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability - EU-CONEXUS, which promotes common European values and a strengthened European identity by bringing together a new generation of Europeans and creating a new institutional framework for higher education in Europe. The thematic framework Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability (SmUCS) means that EU-CONEXUS focusses its research & innovation, education and knowledge sharing activities on societal challenges that are linked to a specific geographical location – the urban and semi-urbanised coastal (rivers and oceans) regions. SmUCS is not a subject-driven thematic framework, but a challenge-driven education and research domain. This is a common portal for the repositories of the EU-CONEXUS partners.
Open access
Find abstracts, links to a vast number of different research outputs.
Open access
Europeana provides access to collections of millions of books, music, artworks and more from European archives, libraries and museums to share cultural heritage for enjoyment, education and research. Funded by the European Union’s Connecting Europe Facility and European Union Member States
Open access
Hindawi is a rapidly growing academic publisher with 150+ Open Access journals covering all major areas of science, technology, and medicine, and a book publishing program that spans all scholarly disciplines.
open access theses dissertations
The HRB National Drugs Library supports those working to develop the knowledge base around alcohol and other drug use in Ireland. We aim to enable evidence-informed decision making in research, policy and practice by providing relevant and appropriate library and information resources and services.
open access
HRB Open Research is a platform for HRB-funded researchers to rapidly publish their research outputs in an open and accessible way
open access
Access journals, conference proceedings and IEEE standards in electrical and electronic engineering and computer science from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
NSAI (National Standards Authority of Ireland) is Ireland’s official standards body. Please note that when you log in for the first time, you will have to create an account with Intertek Inform. This resource used to be called i2i from SAI Global
standards sai global
IREL 6 million pages of newspaper content from titles North and South of the Irish border and through the newspaper obituaries Irish genealogists can search, retrieve and view births, deaths and marriage records from over 279 years of Irish publications. Off-Campus Access
Ireland’s leading centre for quantitative data acquisition, preservation, and dissemination. Its mission is to ensure wide access to quantitative datasets in the social sciences, and to advance the promotion of international comparative studies of the Irish economy and Irish society. It holds a range of key Irish and international comparative datasets, and makes them available for secondary analysis by students, academics, and researchers in the public and commercial sectors.
Open access
The Irish Spatial Data Exchange is an online data discovery service hosted by the Marine Institute cataloguing data across a number of public organisations including; All-island Research Observatory, Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government, Environmental Protection Agency, Geological Survey of Ireland, Marine and Renewable Energy Ireland Centre. This exchange acts as a one-stop-shop for access to and information on spatial data resources on Ireland.
Open access
The Journal of Research in International Education is an international, peer-reviewed journal in international education for schools, examiners and higher education institutions throughout the world.
IREL Multisubject. Arts and humanities, languages, architecture, life sciences.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
Lenus, the Irish Health Research repository is the leading source for Irish research in health and social care. The Lenus collections include peer reviewed journal articles, grey literature, dissertations, reports and conference presentations. Lenus contains the publications of the Irish Health Service Executive (HSE) and the collected research output of over 130 health organisations past and present are all freely accessible.
open access dissertations theses
Also known as the British National Formulary (BNF), this resource provides healthcare professionals with authoritative and practical information on the selection and clinical use of medicines in a clear, concise and accessible manner. Hosted on the MedicinesComplete (Pharmaceutical Press) platform, BNF data is updated twice a year. Login to Medicines Complete here.
MEDLINE provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, and much more. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE uses MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) indexing to search citations from over 5,400 current biomedical journals. Note on the differences between MEDLINE, PubMed, and PMC (PubMed Central).
Not available through Multisearch
The NSSN: A National Resource for Global Standards is a search engine that provides users with standards-related information from a wide range of developers, including organizations accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), other U.S. private sector standards bodies, government agencies and international organizations.
Open access standards
An online library and publication platform provides access to thousands of peer-reviewed academic books, mainly in the humanities and social sciences.
Open access open access books
OASIS is being developed at the SUNY Geneseo's Milne Library and currently provides access to over 2000 open access text books from different sources. Subjects are covered from both the sciences and the humanities.
Open access open access books
Index of over 250M scholarly works from 250k sources, with extra coverage of humanities, non-English languages, and the Global South. These works are linked to 90M disambiguated authors and 100k institutions, enriched with topic information, SDGs, citation counts, and more.
Open access
Over 200 open access titles from the leading UK open access publisher.
Open access open access books
The World Bank is the largest single source of development knowledge. The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) is The World Bank’s official open access repository for its research outputs and knowledge products.
Open access development economics
Open Research Europe is an open access publishing platform for the publication of research stemming from Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe funding across all subject areas. Use the Search option to find publications.
Open access
The Open Research Library is an aggregation of peer-reviewed, open access, scholarly monographs which is hosted on the BiblioBoard platform covering a wide range of subjects including Architecture, Art, Business, Design, Education, Law, Medicine, Psychology, Science, Social Science.
Open access
Open Textbook Library provides access to Open textbooks that have been funded, published, and licensed to be freely used, adapted, and distributed. These books have been reviewed by faculty from a variety of colleges and universities to assess their quality. These books can be downloaded for no cost, or printed at low cost. Subjects covered: Business, Computer Science, Education, Engineering, Humanities, Law, Mathematics, Medicine, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences .
Open access
A comprehensive and open dataset of research information covering 149m publications, 19m research data, 338k research software items, from 124k data sources, linked to 3m grants and 195k organizations.
Open access
A collection of 50 open access introductory titles on a range of subjects, provided by Rice University
Open access open access books
Nursing and health sciences.
For Off-Campus Access Click here Music. Help with logging in
IREL NEW Full collection - Over 500 journals Login to OUP Journals here.
Available on the WITCat Library Catalogue. Click on the 'public lists' tab to reveal the lists of theses we have available.
open access theses dissertations
IREL NTUTORR An online database of peer-reviewed academic journals and electronic books. Project MUSE contains digital humanities and social science content from over 250 university presses and scholarly societies around the world.
The European Union Publications Office provides open access to a wide range of EU documents and information including magazines, reports, open data.
Open access
Psychology, health sciences.
Psychology, health sciences.
Psychology, health sciences.
Coverage of more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
PLOS publishes a suite of influential Open Access journals across all areas of science and medicine. Rigorously reported, peer reviewed and immediately available without restrictions, promoting the widest readership and impact possible. Titles include; [PLOS Biology], [PLOS Climate], [PLOS Computational Biology], [PLOS Digital Health], [PLOS Genetics], [PLOS Global Public Health], [PLOS Medicine], [PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases], [PLOS ONE], [PLOS Pathogens], [PLOS Sustainability and Transformation], [PLOS Water]
Health sciences. Available on and off-campus (Login)
Key Nursing Journals. Full text access for the period 01/11/2017 – 31/10/2020 and 01/11/2021 – 31/10/2022
A portal for researchers to search for and find currently open funding calls all over the world. Off and on-campus log-in. To register, use your address.
IREL NEW Sage Journals provides access to thousands of peer-reviewed journals across the social sciences, humanities, medicine, engineering, and more.
IREL NEW SAGE Research Methods is a research methods tool created to help researchers, faculty and students from all disciplines with their research projects. Login here if you are off-campus.
IREL NEW This online service provides full-text PDF access to all issues of the journal Science published between the first issue in JULY, 1880 and the present. Login by selecting the 'South East Technological University (Waterford Campus)' link from the 'Login via Shibboleth' section.
Physical sciences and engineering, life sciences, health sciences, humanities and social sciences.
SciVal is an analytical research tool from Elsevier that offers quick, easy access to the research performance of over 7,500 research institutions and 220 countries worldwide. Overview and Benchmarking modules are available. SciVal uses Scopus citation data as its data source. Note: You will need to register for a user account to use SciVal. ON CAMPUS ACCESS ONLY
Scopus is Elsevier's abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature.
IREL NTUTORR Access to current content from all Springer, Palgrave, Adis subscription journals, as well as Academic Journals on
Open access e-books published by Springer across a wide range of areas in science, technology, medicine, humanities and social sciences.
Open access open access books
IREL NTUTORR eBooks on various topics such as cryptology, AI, and data science, plus the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
ebook, e-book
Open-access, searchable database of postgraduate theses in the field of music. Theses that were submitted for degrees awarded in Ireland, or for degrees awarded outside Ireland where the content of the thesis is relevant to music in Ireland.
Not available through Multisearch
open accessdissertationstheses
PADDI is produced by the libraries of Queen's University Belfast and University College Dublin. It is a freely available web-based index to publications on architecture, planning, urban design, the built environment and related topics in Ireland north and south. Materials including journals and books held by either the libraries of QUB or UCD are indexed. Most publications indexed date from the mid-20th century onwards. Records in PADDI range from the Medieval era to the present.
Open access architecture
SSRN is an open access platform used to share research findings at an early stage, prior to publication in academic journals. It covers disciplines across the full research spectrum, including the applied sciences, health sciences, humanities, life sciences, physical sciences, and social sciences. SSRN is a searchable online library - the vast majority of papers can be downloaded free of charge. It provides a space for a variety of content types to be accessed beyond the traditional research article, including gray literature, book reviews, multimedia files, and datasets.
Open access preprints
IREL NEW Social Science Premium Collection database offers indexing and full-text coverage of a collection of academic journals, across a range of social science disciplines including anthropology, communication, criminology, economics, education, political science, psychology, social work and sociology.
Finance. On-campus access only.
IREL NEW NTUTORR Medical Collection, Social Sciences and Humanities Collection
Taylor and Francis
Over 450 open access e-books are available on a range of subjects including Biology, Environment & Sustainability, Law, Engineering, Business & Management, Economics, Education, Geography, History, Language & Literature, Politics & International Relations, and Built Environment..Use the "Show content I have access to" filter to display open access titles.
Open access, e-books, ebooks
UCL (University College London) Press makes all its books and journals available in open access form to download freely in PDF form or read online anywhere in the world. They can be downloaded freely from UCL Press’s website or from the many other platforms where they are distributed. Subjects covered include: Art History, Built Environment, Economics, Education, Law, Media Studies, Science, Sociology, Sustainability
Open access open access books
University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN) is committed to enhancing employability and driving innovation through university-industry engagement. We are a knowledge leader on university-industry interaction, entrepreneurial universities and are dedicated to the future of higher education institutions and their impact on society.
This combines British & Irish sources (including: magazines, newspapers, and reference books) with international sources.
- Formerly JustisOne Online library of UK, Irish, EU and international case law and legislation. Contains: Irish Reports and Digests , vLex Ireland Core.
Humanities, science and social sciences.
Legal studies, law.
Following recent changes in off campus authentication for accessing Westlaw IE, in addition to your normal login you may be asked to provide your name and email when logging into Westlaw IE for the first time. This request is to provide you with a personalized experience on Westlaw Ireland. If you prefer, you can instead enter text, which does not identify you for First name, Last name, Email and press continue.
Legal studies, law.
IREL NEW Wiley Online Library hosts a broad multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. Full text access is available - click on more... to see full details of titles specifically subscribed to by SETU Carlow. Multisubject, health sciences, education, law, humanities.
Open access publications from SETU.
open access theses dissertations
Zenodo is a free and open digital archive built by CERN and OpenAIRE, enabling researchers to share and preserve research output in any size, format and from all fields of research.
open access open data