SETU Libraries

Institutional Repository

Home Supporting Research Institutional Repository
An institutional repository is a digital archive that collects, preserves, and provides open access to the scholarly work produced by members of an academic institution.  These outputs include research papers, theses, dissertations, and other academic outputs.

The purpose our repository is to ensure that the SETU’s scholarly work is made as widely and openly accessible to the global academic community and public. Open institutional repositories support the dissemination of knowledge, increase the visibility and impact of the institution’s research, and promote the free exchange of ideas across disciplines.

Open access publications go through the same peer review process as non-open access publications.  Most of the works in the repository are journal articles that appear in peer-reviewed journals.  Authors can meet their open access obligations by placing version of their peer reviewed article in the repository, without needing to pay an APC. For more information on this, get in touch with us.

For the moment, we are operating two separate repositories.  This will change soon.